JavaScript notes for learners and developers

Ashok Vishwakarma
Ashok Vishwakarma

Jan 13, 2019 • 3 min read

Filtering duplicates from an Array

const array= ['a', 'b', 'c', '🔥', 'a', 'c', '🔥'];

let uniqueArray = [];

// new Set
uniqueArray = [ Set(array)];

// Using Filter
uniqueArray = array.filter((item, index) => array.indexOf(item) === index);

// Using reduce
uniqueArray = array.reduce((unique, item) => {
return unique.includes(item) ? unique: [...unique, item];

// console.log(uniqueArray);
// ['a', 'b', 'c', '🔥'];

Using template string for better readability

// without template string
const sample = 'using backslash \\ "" \'\'';

// with template string
const sample = `using templte string "" ''`;

// using variables
const word = "world!";

// without template string
const message = 'Hello ' + word; // Hello world!

// with template string
const message = `Hello ${word}`; // Hello world!

ES6 Class vs ES5 Function

// ES5 function
var hey = function(there){
this.there = there;

hey.prototype.greet = function(){
return `Hey, ${this.there}`

// ES6 Class
class Hey {
this.there = there;
return `Hey, ${this.there}`;

Dynamic Object properties

let some = '🎃';

// ES5 way
let thing = {};
thing[some] = '💪';

// ES6 way (reduced in one step)
let thing = {
[some]: '💪'

Avoid bad variable names

// Avoid single letter names
let a = 'Sorry what is A?';

// Avoid acronyms
let edu = 'Sorry, I am too lazy to type education';

// Avoid abbreviations
let cat = 'You mean Cat or Category?';

// Avoid meaningless names
let foo = 'what is foo??';

Shallow Cloning Object or Array

const names = ['John', 'Merry', 'Cris'];

// using slice
const copiedNames = names.slice();

// using Object.assign
const copiedNames = Object.assign([], names);

// using ... operator
const copiedNames = [...names];

Better booleans variable and property names

// bad names
const person = true;
const age = true;
const dance = true;

// prefix with verb like is, has and can
const isPerson = true;
const hasAge = true;
const canDance = true;

Formatting different currencies

const fee = 150;

// ES5 way
fee.toLocaleString('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
}); // $150.00

// ES6 way
new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'
}).format(fee); // $150.00

// multiple formatter can be created and reuse multiple times
// USD formatter
const USD = new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'USD'

// JPY formatter
const JPY = new Intl.NumberFormat('ja-JP', {
style: 'currency',
currency: 'JPY'

USD.format(fee); // $150.00
JPY.format(fee); // ï¿¥150.00

Checking if a string contains a substring

const message = 'This is a sunny day!';

// Using indexOf
message.indexOf('sun') !== -1; // true

// using includes
message.includes('sun'); // true

Better if conditions

const hasAge = false;

// Bad way
if(hasAge === false) // true

// good way
if(!hasAge) // true

Essential false values in JavaScript

// falsy values
0, +0, -0 // all variation of 0
"", '', `` // empty string

// Everything else is truthy

Prevent error with default values

const hey = function(name){
const {name} = name;

hey(); // Type Error

// '' default value for name
const hey = function(name = ''){
const {name} = name;

hey(); // no error

Avoid using else inside a function

// checked all the required conditions at the begining
// return if not satisfied
// Do your stuff after the if block
function hey(name) {


// no need to have else
return `Hey, ${name}`;

Repeat string or array

const ghost = '👻';

// using repeat
const moreGhosts = ghost.repeat(5); // 👻👻👻👻👻

// Using fill
const moreGhosts = Array(5).fill(ghost).join(''); // 👻👻👻👻👻

Checking if NaN equals to NaN

const data = NaN;

// direct check

if(data === NaN) // false

// Using .is, NaN); // true

Using Destructured Object / Array to get values

function send(){
// without destructors
const name = arguments[0];
const message = arguments[1]
// with destructors
const [name, message] = arguments;

// use blanks to skip indexes
const [, message] = arguments; // skiped name

// the same can be used with Objects as well
const data = {name: 'John', message: 'Hey John!'};
const {name, message} = data;

// using in function params
function send({name, message}) { ... };
send({name: 'John', message: 'Hey John'});

// swap values
let name = "hey john";
let message = "John";

const [name, message] = [message, name];

message // hey john
name // John

Convert to boolean

const hasAge = 'This person has age';

// using new Boolean
new Boolean(hasAge); // true

// using Boolean
Boolean(hasAge); // true

// using !!
!!hasAge // true

Adding Range support in JavaScript natively

Number.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = function*(){
for(let i = 0; i <= this; i++){
yield i;

// uses
const range5 = [...5]; // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Combining two strings

const name = 'John';

// using template string
const message = `Hello ${name}`;

// using join
const message = ['hello ', name].join();

// using concat
const message = "".concat('Hello ', name);

// using + operator
const message = 'Hello ' + name;

Using the spread operator (…)

// no need to use split in strings
const name = "john";

// using split
const letters = name.split(""); // ['j', 'o', 'h', 'n']

// using spread operator
const letters = []; // ['j', 'o', 'h', 'n']

// copying and adding element in array
const names = ['John', 'Doe'];
const moreNames = [...names, 'Cris'];

// adding/updating object properties
const data = {name: 'John', message: 'Hey, John'};

// modify exising properties
const newData = {, message: 'Hello, John'};

// add new properties
const newData = {, email: ''};

// deleting property from object
const data = {name: 'John', email: '', age: 30};

const {name, ...remainingData} = data;

// {email: '', age: 30}

Using arrow functions in JavaScript

// use in callbacks
[].forEach(item => { ... });

// avoid using in objects
const data = {
name: 'John',
message: 'Hey, John',
greet: () => { // use function() instead
return this.message; // this is not data

Let me know if you have anything similar I’ll add them here too.

Ashok Vishwakarma

Ashok Vishwakarma

Google Develover Expert — WebTechnologies and Angular | Principal Architect at | Entrepreneur | TechEnthusiast | Speaker